Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Last few days...

Today must be like my 28th day... Its crazy how long it seems before you start ramadan then how fast it actually feel like it went by when its over. Well i know i'm meeting the goals i've set for myself this month. I've just about finished the Holy Quran in Arabic. i've been doing all my other reading as well. I'm feeling decent about the month but in all honesty i know i could have done better and I will try to do better next time. Its funny b/c Next year its gonna be world champs and that might fall in/around Ramadan and if that does and i'm there... well you know the rest. I've been doing a thing or two with my training these days. Its ironic that i've started in Ramadan huh... Well its just about done and now i just have to get through a few more days and a week. Gotta keep the spirit man, bc if anything Ramadan has taught me its that i dont really need all of the things that i've had busying my life lately. So if i can slow things down then I can focus better then I will be scarey!!! Just gotta keep taking it one day at a time man... one day at a time.

Ramadan is amazing and is a blessing from Allah that i just cant quantify or put into words. Eid (Eid = party/celebration) the celebration after Ramadan is great too ;-)

Love you all

There is a video attached to this blog of a night I was at Tarawi (Tarawi = extra night time prayer done during Ramadan) you have to click the title of this blog though to get there!!! Enjoy... His recitation is so beautiful!

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