Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So I think I must be getting a little bit better at instructing just a tad. I mean sometimes you just dont have to tell a person everything. You tell them a little bit to start them off or to get them past what they are stuck on and then they figure out the rest. I am also realizing that they will also learn something today and not be very good at it but the next day they can look significantly better! That is great!

The kids can run relay races now, but lets see if they can do a layup drill in basketball now. I guess we'll see haha. Ankles and Hamstrings are not great and probably need work/rehab. I'll say more when i have better to say. For now though no stress and just keep the kids motivated!


Monday, March 15, 2010


I wonder if i can make this blog any more boring haha. I promise that I am dedicated to making this blog a lot more exciting from this day on. Video posts testimonials the whole nine haha. Ok maybe i will wait on going that far just yet but yea just keep reading and good things will happen.

On another note I've got the kids to participate in somewhat of an organized game called "relay racing" haha. I rolled up some paper and taped it together and started making them run with it. I did ok telling them the rules. If they had a stick they had to follow the rules and the rules were that they could not run without the stick, they had to run in a straight line and they had to pass the stick when they were finished. It sounds simple but when interacting with young kids between 3-5 thats a lot of information. Honestly though i learn so much from them more than i could have ever thought. It can be tiresome but I like it! Its a good balance!

Talk to you guys soon
Go Green!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Something new

Ok so I am trying a new approach to life. It’s called "baby steps." Instead of trying to make all the changes and corrections at once just take it one thing at a time. Instead of trying to teach someone everything at once just teach them one thing at a time and perhaps they will learn the rest on their own - make my job easier. I am also thinking, that instead of trying to make physical gains and improvements immediately, take it one step at a time and make these gains steadily over time.

Dealing with the kids at "The Y" it’s very important that I remember this because they are so young that they really don’t understand much of anything going on around them if it’s not directly affecting them. I remember when I was young (about 4) I spilled some corn flakes on the floor and instead of picking it up and throwing it away I pushed it all under the living room rug. A day or two later I went to the living room and looked for the corn flakes to see if they were still there and much to my surprise the flakes were gone!!! For the next 3 years or I was convinced that if you put trash under the rug then it would disappear and you would never have to worry about it. Needless to say, I've grown to understand better than that now. However, I wonder what the myriad of feelings were for my mom or dad when they saw that mountain of corn flakes under the rug. And then I wonder what they thought of doing to me or one of my siblings after they actually cleaned them up. Thank goodness I never found out the answers to those questions and I figured it out on my own.

My father told me that the meaning/essence of patience is finding something to do while you are waiting. That’s a very fruitful saying. I think I will have to remember that as it applies to me and my day to day life and training. That is always very important.

Hasta Luego...