Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wassup peeps!!!

I've been thinking... I'd like to shout out all of the people who have taken the time to read my blog or visit my site and show a bit of interest. I guess I’m not totally sure if I should be calling you guys friends or fans or whatever. Even though I know it cant be that many it’s great to have you regardless. I really appreciate your interest in what I’m doing or not doing and it’s very uplifting to know that people pay a little attention. Once again "big-ups" to you all.

How are you guys anyway? I'd like to know.

On another note, I know I owe you guys a few things to spice up my blog but things with my camera have really gone bad (aka its broken). Can you believe that!? I mean honestly I took good care of that thing and now it has just decided to discontinue functionality! uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhh! I guess I have to paint you a picture with my words, but if your blog comments are any indication of how well I’ve been doing with my imagery I might have to try something else ha-ha. Don’t sleep though b/c I always find a way ;-).

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