Monday, March 15, 2010


I wonder if i can make this blog any more boring haha. I promise that I am dedicated to making this blog a lot more exciting from this day on. Video posts testimonials the whole nine haha. Ok maybe i will wait on going that far just yet but yea just keep reading and good things will happen.

On another note I've got the kids to participate in somewhat of an organized game called "relay racing" haha. I rolled up some paper and taped it together and started making them run with it. I did ok telling them the rules. If they had a stick they had to follow the rules and the rules were that they could not run without the stick, they had to run in a straight line and they had to pass the stick when they were finished. It sounds simple but when interacting with young kids between 3-5 thats a lot of information. Honestly though i learn so much from them more than i could have ever thought. It can be tiresome but I like it! Its a good balance!

Talk to you guys soon
Go Green!


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