Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ramadan day 8

Well I missed suhoor today. what a let down. I woke up on time but felt like laying there for another few minutes and didn't press the snooze button on my alarm but actually turned it off. Now i know why the specific snooze button is so important! I had good energy today though at camp. I had a good conversation with the arts and crafts teacher though. It felt good to talk with someone my age for once who actually had a life away from the camp itself.

We also went fishing in the river. It was an interesting ordeal. I didn't really love it but it was a pretty leisure jaunt with the kids and it was a nice way to kill some time. I played a little catch/tag on the river bank and that was a kind of hard. One i was fasting and two i hadn't warmed up. My body was talking to me like: "Mustafa, why do you tell us to do things that we dont really want to do right now WITHOUT WARNING US WITH AT LEAST A WARM UP FIRST!? Please discontinue all non survival activity now before we do it for you."

Because of that one little episode of tag i had to take a little nap today and then KO my readings. Did it and i was right in time for iftar. Guess what it was... DONUUUUUUTS!!!!! aaaaaaahhhhh I was so happy and they tasted so good. They were so good that I wanted to eat more but the sad thing about that is after 2, they all just start tasting the same for about 2 weeks! Luckily i had enough self-restraint not to eat more than one so now donuts are an option in the near future iftars!

Fall workouts start next week man (monday) now that camp is over. The most grueling and tedious part of the track and field season. Its gonna be interesting (Translation: hard, tiresome, annoying, I will loath every minute of it haha).


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