Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The time is now!!!

Well shoot I got a shout out from two people in my last blog and I got two more followers hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yyyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! booooooooooooyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!

OK shout outs to matt (great, funny comment), Zoila (finally made it to my neck of the woods-and loved it). And shout out to the woman who needs no shout out... "The Rowe!"

Got conference this weekend man and it’s gonna be a dog fight! I mean it’s going to be nothing easy on either side – the men or the women. However, I still believe that whatever I bring to the meet in terms of excitement and encouragement will ultimately serve to push us over the hump though. Let’s Go!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The TV is On but Nobody is Watching!!!

I dont even know what to say man. Today was ba-na-nas!!! I went to the Y and it was actually a very eye opening and informative day. A new/former teacher (new to me, former to the rest of the teachers) came to class today and she started a new literacy program called "The Daily Five." It was a very interesting program and the way she explained it during class was amazing. She was talking to both the kids and the teachers at the same time, but I noticed how well and easily she communicated with the teachers and kids simultaneously! Her effectiveness communicating with the kids was even more amazing to me because just a day before, I watched one of the older teachers explain to one of the kids how to button up his pants. He was trying to button his pants but he couldn't line up the buttons male and female ends because he wasn't looking. He was so excited to get it over with so he could get back to playing that he couldn't take the time to look down and concentrate on what he was doing to button up his pants. After telling him 3 times - unsuccessfully - to look at what he was doing, Ms. Denise (the teacher), towering over him just softly eases his head downward so his chin is pressing against his chest. Derek (the kid) then has no choice but to make the connection that it would be a lot easier to LOOK at what he was doing in order to button up his pants. Needless to say he proceeded to button up his pants immediately thereafter.

Thinking about that made me think. Are these kids that I coach really hearing what I'm saying or is it the exact same thing as Derek and Ms Denise. I mean the lights are on but nobody is home lol. Or what you're actually telling them to do just isn't registering b/c they are way to occupied busy and overwhelmed with everything else going on in their brain; Text messages, homework, food, pain they might feel, fear etc. I mean surely I was never that bad way as an athlete when I was in college, but I only really started understanding my events when I left college. I wonder why it took so long and when I figure that out will I be able to guide my kids around those kinds of mental barriers haha.

On another note, I just hopped into a little jumping work out today with the kids and it actually went and felt pretty well. HJ: 6'2" from 5 steps! Pole vaulted from 5 steps on a 15' 160lb pole, then I capped the day off with a good swim in the pool and some fun dives! Stay tuned to see some evidence hahaaaaaaaaaaa.

Take it easy my people the ghosts that you all are!

Dartmouth is the best ;-)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wassup peeps!!!

I've been thinking... I'd like to shout out all of the people who have taken the time to read my blog or visit my site and show a bit of interest. I guess I’m not totally sure if I should be calling you guys friends or fans or whatever. Even though I know it cant be that many it’s great to have you regardless. I really appreciate your interest in what I’m doing or not doing and it’s very uplifting to know that people pay a little attention. Once again "big-ups" to you all.

How are you guys anyway? I'd like to know.

On another note, I know I owe you guys a few things to spice up my blog but things with my camera have really gone bad (aka its broken). Can you believe that!? I mean honestly I took good care of that thing and now it has just decided to discontinue functionality! uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhh! I guess I have to paint you a picture with my words, but if your blog comments are any indication of how well I’ve been doing with my imagery I might have to try something else ha-ha. Don’t sleep though b/c I always find a way ;-).

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Feeling aight man

I got off and out today did a little work with the kids at the Y and boy was it difficult. It was so stressful. I think the kids can feel the weather changing and its actually exciting them and giving them a boost in their moral and overall busy-body feeling. Its crazy haha.

I did a little bit more though today and ran some 300 and it was ok. I gotta say though it was good to get out there and run a little without the ankle killing me and the hamstrings blowing up and the quads killing. Shukril hamdu lillah(thank you Allah/God all praise is due to you). Well the highlight of the day though was when i ran over 6 intermediate hurdles man. I caught them all on my opposite leg but i negotiated those hurdles like a champ still. Man what a nice day it was fun. The kids on the team were good to work with and they seem to be getting ready for the conference meet may 1st.

Its on BABY!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The King Has Returned

Its that time of the year again! The NBA playoffs are back in action and yes Lebron is back in action and ready to make it happen this year. Its going to be interesting to see what happens this your though because it was a very similar position for the cavs last year. Having home court throughout the playoffs didn't even get them out of the eastern conference finals! Well not this year! Shaq is healthy, and has lost 15-20 pounds; Mo Williams is back on track and jamison looks like he's finally getting a little bit more comfortable in his role! It’s gonna to be a good play off this year.

LA looks a little shaken heading into the playoffs though so i'm not sure if that means we'll get our dream final match-up Kobe vs. Lebron. Actually i think its more like Kobe vs. "The Lebrons." Kobe is the one man show and Lebron while he could be all of that and then some he choose to spread the ball around and get everybody involved and include his teammates and make them feel just as important as he is. That’s the approach i'd take (letting everybody feel significantly involved) b/c that is when you get maximum productivity from each person and you're virtually unstoppable.

The Baseball season has just started and Hockey isn't as compelling Tiger is out of seclusion, so that means that the spot light belongs to the NBA playoffs - and conference championships in track and field ;-). Big ups, love and shout outs to all my ITA people - Zoila.

Talk to you guys soon!